Yesterday, before heading off to join in the People's Climate March I had the pleasure of teaming up with the Reclaim Shakespeare Company's brilliant campaign, "BP or not BP", to bring the Deepwater Horizon spill into the heart of the BP-sponsored British Museum. We did this to highlight the terrible human and animal suffering caused by BP's gross negligence. 70 of us then joined in silent meditation, focusing on the destruction caused by BP and the need to rid our world of oil. We were honoured to work with both the Quakers and "DANCE" yesterday morning to challenge the Museum on its despicable choice of sponsor. We then headed to take part in the People's Climate March, which was officially the largest demonstration for planet Earth in history.
Photo's by Anna Branthwaite

"BP is guilty of gross negligence,
Why does the British Museum stand by?
BP is guilty of gross negligence,
Why's this museum promoting its lies?
Click here to learn more and sign the petition