"Global Warning" and "Affirmations" published in Meeting Point 2: Editions Hatier, France. Students will study these poems and compose their own works with "5 personal resolutions to save the world" as part of their preparations for International Earth Day. 40,000 copies nationwide.
"Martin Powell tells a journalist who has just asked him why he wrote his poem, include the following elements using the toolbox below"
A. Listen to Martin Powell reading his poem and improve your pronunciation with the help of your workbook.
B. Choose which stanza you like best then train to read it aloud.
C. Enter the competition for the best interpretation of the stanza.
A. You are working on an anthology of modern poetry that will include Martin Powell's poems. Which of the visual on his double page best illustrates the poem, Global Warning? Why?"
B. Create your own work of art. In groups; Discuss what elements you want to illustrate in the poem. Make a painting, drawing, collage, slideshow (select pictures on the internet or in magazines)
- Present your work to the class. Justify your choices.

Youth: Tomorrow's Leaders Today
For the latest edition of Green Spirit the team kindly asked me to write a little about the major life events that have shaped my political and environmental ideals, poetry and activism. From the horrific attacks of September 2001 (Age 13) and the wars that followed, to growing up on the outskirts of beautiful Dartmoor.
"The Power of a Young Poet", article.
"Global Warning", inside cover.
"The Power of young People" (extract) back cover.

"Harvest Crop Spirits" - Freyja Dean

This powerful Illustration by Freyja Dean will be published alongside "Recipe for Disaster" in an upcoming ecological anthology.
Freyja’s work has always been concerned with the natural world, our life cycles and our attitudes towards them. Her design work has included costumes for opera, character design for computer games and various album covers - www.freyjadean.com.
Watch me perform Recipe for Disaster at Resurgence Festival of Wellbeing.